Monday, October 20, 2008

9 Daily Prayers

Greetings Spiritual Seekers,

Welcome to my Sacred Chanting page. Here you will find a list of daily prayers I have been working with over the years. They are inspired by different spiritual traditions and teachers who have touched my life. The benefits I have received from working with these prayers have been profound, and so I wanted to share them with you. The words of the prayers often change, but the essence remains the same. The order is also not important. My intention is to offer ways to deepen your daily spiritual practice. Whether you are a beginner, or you need a fresh outlook in your meditations, may these serve as a guide and open new doors to higher levels of your being.

#1 Creator: I give thanks for my life, and all that's been given me. Including the hardships and obstacles which are fuel for my growth and enlightenment. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity to learn and grow, and to change my negative karma.

#2 I offer my deepest gratitude to the (shoten zenjin), the functions in life and the environment that protect us night and day. I give thanks to the green beings, the devas, and nature spirits. May their protective powers be further strengthened and enhanced thru my deepening of awareness and living in harmony with the natural rhythms of the universe.

#3 Let everything be done in service, for the greater good of all, as an expression of life purpose, and moving closer to Source.

#4 I give thanks to the animals and great animal spirits for teaching us.

#5 I give thanks to the Truth Walkers; those who are true to reality; the incarnated facilitators. Those who are guiding us and showing us the way...Inspiring us to be true to ourselves and to courageously walk our paths with joy and conviction. I pray to become a truth walker. One who is true to reality.

#6 I give thanks to the great winged beings, ancestors, and spirit guides. May I always be open to receiving your guidance.

#7 I pray to eradicate my negative karma caused by my disrespect, ignorance, or negative actions in this life and the past, and to fulfill my mission (life purpose) in the present and the future. *Add additional prayers here pertaining to personal goals and determinations.

#8 I offer prayers of deep inner peace and happiness to these people....(you can sound a bell for every blessing sent).

#9 I pray for peace throughout the world and the happiness of all living beings.

*You can finish by slowly chanting your favorite mantra 3 x's. Bow your head with deep respect and gratitude, and with a promise that you will try to live to your fullest potential today and create value out of every moment.

I have found this sequence of prayers to enhance inner peace, health, and vitality, while also having a profound influence on the reality creation process. Of course, it's always important to find the words that strike a deep resonance with you. As we change, the words tend to change, or if the words stay the same, the meaning of the words shift. They are just as alive and dynamic as we are.

Peace, Melanie

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