Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Cultivating Self Love

Here are some phrases that will help you to feel loved, safe, and at peace.  The phrases can be used individually as a mantram, or they can be done all together in a sequence.  Feel what is appropriate for you.  When I first started to work with these phrases, I would do all of them in one sitting, but now I pick out the one or 2 that need my attention.

When you work with these phrases for cultivating self love and dynamic tranquility, first get into a quiet, meditative space. Then repeat them to yourself inwardly (or aloud), repeating the words over and over again until they start to sink in.  Let these mantras be absorbed by your entire being.  Breathe them in.  Notice if there are any resistances within yourself to these phrases. Learn what the resistance is all about.  In discovering the origination of your resistance, you will find your path toward inner peace and enlightenment.  True learning and growth comes from diving into your resistances and illuminating that darkness with understanding and love.  

Write these mantras down on a piece of paper and place it on your altar or a place where you will see it.

*I live in a safe universe.

*I can fully relax and be at peace.

*It is safe to be myself.

*I trust thoroughly that the universe will provide everything I need in order to thrive.

*I deserve to be provided for.

*I am good enough as I am.  

* I love and approve of myself and all the magnificence of my being.

Om Shanti

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